Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 72(2): 113-120 (2023)

解説Short Review

低線量放射線による抗酸化機能の亢進と酸化ストレス関連疾患の抑制Low-dose Irradiation Activates Antioxidative Functions and Inhibits Oxidative Stress Induced Damages

岡山大学 学術研究院保健学域Faculty of Health Sciences, Okayama University

発行日:2023年7月15日Published: July 15, 2023


The main indications of radon therapy are pain related diseases. To elucidate the mechanisms and find out new indications, radon exposure system was developed. Results of studies showed that radon inhalation activated antioxidative functions and inhibited several oxidative stress related diseases. These findings indicate that radon therapy may have beneficial effects for oxidative stress induced diseases. Similar effects have been shown following low dose X-irradiation.

キーワード:radon therapy;oxidative stress;antioxidative function;reactive oxygen species

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