Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 72(1): 11-19 (2023)

特集Special Issues

鉱物中に生成する宇宙線生成核種を用いた地形形成年代の決定Dating Landforms by Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides: A Methodological Review

京都大学防災研究所Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

発行日:2023年3月15日Published: March 15, 2023


This paper reviews principles and basic modeling in application of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides for dating landforms. The models incorporate rates of post-exposure denudation or sedimentation of the surfaces as well as amounts of inheritance reflecting the pre-exposure history of the analyzed mineral grains. Some examples from the model outputs demonstrate applicability and limitations of this method. Several analytical strategies are also mentioned, including depth-profiling of the nuclide concentration and evaluation of the inheritance for determining accurate ages of the landforms.

Key words: cosmogenic nuclide; exposure age; denudation rate; sedimentation rate; inheritance; depth profiling

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