Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 72(2): 101-112 (2023)

解説Short Review

核医学計測のための多光子相関計測手法の開発多分子・分子間相互作用の可視化に向けてDevelopment of Multi Photon Time Space Correlation Imaging Method for Nuclear MedicineVisualizing Multiple Molecules and Inter-molecular Interaction

東京大学The University of Tokyo

発行日:2023年7月15日Published: July 15, 2023

核医学診断・治療技術は悪性腫瘍の早期発見や治療において医学的に重要な役割を果たしている。Positron emission tomography(PET)やsingle photon emission computed tomography(SPECT)の技術は解像度の改善が急速に進んだ一方,発明以来,撮像法の原理は大きく変わっていない。本稿では新たな核医学診断技術を目指した多分子撮像用コンプトンPET, 分子間相互作用撮像用double photon emission coincidence imaging(DPECI)について紹介しその可能性について議論する。またこれらの撮像技術を支える放射線計測技術開発についても簡単に紹介する。

Nuclear medical imaging, such as positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), plays crucial roles in clinical diagnosis including the detection of cancers in its early stage and the evaluation of treatments. The imaging quality of those devices has been evolving rapidly, however the principle of imaging is not changed much after the invention. In this paper, we introduce and discuss two novel imaging principles, Compton-PET and double photon emission coincidence imaging (DPECI) aiming for imaging of multiple molecules and intermolecular interaction in the field of nuclear medicine. The radiation detection technology realizing those devices is also introduced in the last section.

Key words: Compton-PET; angular correlation; double photon imaging; cascade nuclide

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