(2)食品照射の実用状況と消費者の受容(2) Practical Circumstances and Consumer’s Acceptance of Food Irradiation
国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構量子ビーム科学部門高崎量子応用研究所National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology
Food irradiation is making slow progress in most countries in niche applications such as spicy pickled chicken feet/wings in China or frozen frog legs in France, and the use of irradiation as quarantine has been the most remarkable development in many years. Japan’s food regulatory authorities still restrict the use of irradiation treatment for reason of the lack of needs and social acceptance, but it is not easy to remove consumer's misunderstanding without official safety evaluation of irradiated food. What is firstly needed is not to educate consumers for social acceptance but to offer correct information about the safety of irradiated food to retailers who fear consumer’s reaction.
Key words: food irradiation; irradiated food; consumer’s acceptance
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