Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 71(2): 141-151 (2022)


3Dプリンタ技術を用いた純タングテン製211At核医学治療評価用コリメータの開発A Pure Tungsten Collimator Manufactured Using 3D Printing Technology for the Evaluation of 211At Radionuclide Therapy

1国立がん研究センター機能診断開発分野Division of Functional Imaging, National Cancer Center

2東京大学カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), The University of Tokyo

3宇宙開発研究機構宇宙科学研究所Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA

受付日:2021年8月23日Received: August 23, 2021
受理日:2022年3月22日Accepted: March 22, 2022
発行日:2022年7月15日Published: July 15, 2022

α線核医学治療が注目を集め,α核種の体内分布を評価できるガンマカメラが求められている。カメラの性能はコリメータに依存するため,我々は,放射線遮へい能が優れた純タングステンを3Dプリンタ技術で加工し,211Atの体内分布を評価できる高性能コリメータの製作を試みた。開口径1mmで,隔壁厚が0.07mmの薄さの平行多孔コリメータを製造し,10cm離れた133Ba点線源に対して,空間分解能は5.7 mm,効率は1.42×10−4で,市販されている装置のコリメータより良好な結果を得た。また,211Atを投与したマウスの甲状腺の形状を明瞭に描出できた。

Targeted alpha therapy is attracting significant attention for the treatment of intractable tumors and the development of efficient gamma cameras to evaluate the biodistribution of alpha emitters is expected. 211At, which is a commonly used alpha emitter in Japan, emits characteristic X-rays whose energy is distributed between 77 and 92 keV. We evaluated the biodistribution of this alpha emitter by effectively acquiring these photons. Because the performance of a gamma camera strongly depends on that of collimators, we designed and manufactured high-performance collimators by processing pure tungsten, which can shield radiation more effectively than lead, using state-of-the-art three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. We successfully fabricated a parallel-hole collimator with a honeycomb structure with a hole size of 1.0 mm and septal thickness as thin as 0.07 mm. When a point source of 133Ba that emits photons with the energy of 81 keV, similar to that of characteristic X-rays emitted from 211At, was imaged using this collimator, spatial resolution of this collimator was as short as 5.7 mm and its efficiency was as good as 1.42×10−4; these results are superior to those of commercially available clinical scanners. We also demonstrated that our collimator could successfully depict a shape of the object by imaging a mouse thyroid gland after the injection of the 211At solution. These results suggest that excellent collimators made of pure tungsten could be used to monitor targeted alpha therapy using 211At.

Key words: collimator; tungsten; 3D-printing; semiconductor detector; astatine-211; alpha radionuclide therapy

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