Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 70(2): 55-62 (2021)


低エネルギーX線によるベトナム阮朝の版木の殺菌Disinfection of Woodblocks of the Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam by Low-Energy X-rays

1大阪府立大学大学院工学研究科・量子放射線系専攻Department of Quantum and Radiation Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University

2ダラット大学生物学部Faculty of Biology, Dalat University

3ダラット大学物理・原子力工学部Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Dalat University

4大阪府立大学地域連携研究機構・放射線研究センターResearch Center of Microorganism Control, Organization for Research Promotion

受付日:2020年6月25日Received: June 25, 2020
受理日:2020年10月5日Accepted: October 5, 2020
発行日:2021年2月15日Published: February 15, 2021

文化財である版木の汚染カビについて,低エネルギーX線による殺菌効果を検討した。ベトナム阮王朝の版木から分離されたカビの中で,最も放射線抵抗性の株はCladosporium sp.であった。用いたX線 F1(1 mm アルミニウム フィルター装着)とF0(フィルターなし)の版木表面における線量率は,1.14 及び4.64 kGy/hであった。版木の中心部(表面からの深さ8.5 mm)の線量は,表面線量に対しF1で76%,F0で20%に減少した。F1は深部の照射に適しており,版木中心部のカビは表面6.2 kGyの照射で4桁減少し,8.3 kGyで検出されなくなった。これらの結果から,版木中の汚染カビはX線(F1)を用いた両面照射により,線量10 kGy,線量均一度1.04で効果的な殺菌が可能であることが示された。

The effects of low-energy X-ray irradiation were investigated as an intervention strategy for the disinfection of fungi-contaminated woodblocks. Fungi were isolated from the woodblocks of the Nguyen dynasty of Vietnam and Cladosporium sp. was identified as the most radiation-resistant strain in the woodblock. The dose rates of the F1 (1-mm-aluminum filtered) and F0 (non-filtered) X-rays at the surface of the woodblock were 1.14 and 4.64 kGy/h, respectively. At the middle (8.5 mm from the surface) of the woodblock, the doses of the F1 and F0 X-rays decreased to 76% and 20% of the surface doses, respectively. The F1 X-rays were useful for irradiating the inside of the woodblock; the concentration of the fungi at the middle decreased by more than 4 log fractions at 6.2 kGy and the fungi were eliminated with a surface dose of 8.3 kGy. Furthermore, the contaminated fungi in the woodblock were disinfected by both-side irradiation with F1 X-rays delivering a dose of 10 kGy at a dose uniformity of 1.04.

Key words: low-energy X-ray; woodblock; fungi; disinfection; both-side irradiation

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