Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 69(2): 55-65 (2020)

資料Materials (Data)

国際規制物資(少量核燃料物質)に係る教育のあり方Concept of Internal Education Regarding the Use of International Controlled Material for Small Amount of Nuclear Materials

1京都大学環境安全保健機構Agency for Health, Safety and Environment, Kyoto University

2大阪大学安全衛生管理部Department for the Administration of Safety and Hygiene, Osaka University

3東京大学環境安全本部Division for Environment, Health and Safety, The University of Tokyo

4近畿大学原子力研究所Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kindai University

受付日:2019年6月4日Received: June 4, 2019
受理日:2019年9月14日Accepted: September 14, 2019
発行日:2020年2月15日Published: February 15, 2020


Internal education and training on the safety management of small quantities of nuclear material are introduced along with recent trends in the surrounding area. Due to regulatory changes, nuclear material management standards have become stricter. This article outlines the concepts and content of education and training for users, officers, and administrators working with small quantities of nuclear material started at the universities to which the authors belong.

Key words: uranium; thorium; nuclear material; safety management; education and training

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