Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 69(7): 233-242 (2020)

連載講座Serial Lecture

短寿命放射性核種の合理的安全規制のためのガイドライン等作成に向けた検討状況Preparation of a Guideline for Radiation Safety Management of Short-Lived Radionuclides

大阪大学放射線科学基盤機構附属ラジオアイソトープ総合センターRadioisotope Research Center, Institute for Radiation Sciences, Osaka University

発行日:2020年7月15日Published: July 15, 2020


Short-lived alpha particle emitters have recently attracted much attention with respect to the development of targeted radionuclide therapy. This paper reports the previous projects of radiation safety management for the short-lived alpha nuclides and the current status of the study for the preparation of the guideline for radiation safety management of short-lived nuclides.

Key words: short-lived radionuclide; alpha particle emitter; radiation safety management; education and training for radiation safety; guideline

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