8.2.3 炭素線治療における生物学的効果比8.2.3 Relative Biological Effectiveness in Carbon-Ion Therapy
群馬大学重粒子線医学研究センターGunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center ◇ 371–8511 群馬県前橋市昭和町3–39–22 ◇ 3–39–22 Showa-machi, Maebashi, Gunma 371–8511, Japan
We introduce the results about the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) using HIMAC. Carbon-ion therapy is rated higher concerning the quality of life (QOL) than photon therapy because it has a strong cancer control ability and is considered to be a low-invasive method. It is important to evaluate the dose and to know the relations of linear energy transfer (LET) and RBE for understanding a useful effect of carbon-ion therapy. In this review, we summarize the current status and the meaning of the RBE concept in carbon-ion therapy and highlight outstanding issues.
Key words: HIMAC (Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba); linear energy transfer (LET); relative biological effectiveness (RBE)
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