Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 68(2): 65-71 (2019)

総説Review Article

安定同位体を利用した学生実習13C呼気試験の医学教育への導入Student Training with a Stable IsotopeIntroduction of Stable Isotope 13C into Medical Education

1日本大学医学部医学研究企画・推進室Nihon University School of Medicine, Division of Research Planning and Development, Medical Research Support Center

2日本大学医学部生体機能系薬理学分野Nihon University School of Medicine, Pharmacology ◇ 173–8610 東京都板橋区大谷口上町30–1 ◇ 173–8610 Ohyaguchi 30–1, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan

発行日:2019年2月15日Published: February 15, 2019


Nihon University School of Medicine has incorporated a 13C breath test into its pharmacological training since 2016. In the training, (i) 13C-urease, (ii) 13C-phenylalanine (L-[1-13C] phenylalanine), and (iii) 13C-leucine (L-[1-13C] leucine) breath tests are conducted. Introducing a 13C breath test into student training can collateralize the activity of the basic educational principle and the association with the clinical medicine. Unlike radioactive isotopes, the stable isotope 13CO2 requires no special facility and can be simply handled with measuring equipment. Introducing a 13C breath test into student training poses problems, such as the initial cost of measuring equipment and the use of expensive reagents, but should enhance the association between basic and clinical medical education.

Key words: stable isotope; medical education; student training; 13C-urease breath test; 13C-phenylalanine breath test; 13C-leucine breath test

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