Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 68(1): 25-35 (2019)

総説Review Article

ホウ素中性子捕捉療法と分子イメージング18F-FBPA-PETの意味するもの・期待することMolecular Imaging for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy18F-FBPA-PET, Its Implications and Expectations

一般財団法人脳神経疾患研究所附属南東北BNCT研究センターSouthern Tohoku BNCT Research Center ◇ 963–8052 福島県郡山市八山田7–10 ◇ 7–10 Yatsuyamada, Koriyama, Fukushima Pref. 963–8052, Japan

発行日:2019年1月15日Published: January 15, 2019


18F-FBPA-PET is investigated as a method for prediction of therapeutic sensitivity of BNCT. Since microdistribution of BPA influences the biological effect of BNCT, if T/B (Tumor/Blood) and N/B (Normal tissue/Blood) ratios are similar in different tumors and normal tissues, the biological effect is not necessarily similar. Therefore, FBPA-PET is just a necessary condition and not a sufficient condition to select a candidate patient for BNCT. However, the usefulness of FBPA-PET can be evaluated by comparing local effect of BNCT in which absorbed dose is calculated by T/B or N/B ratio obtained from FBPA-PET, with the local effect by standard X-ray therapy. In this review, I will explain the implications and expectations of FBPA-PET which can be deduced from the consideration of CBE factor and human tumor radiobiology.

Key words: BNCT (boron neutron capture therapy); FBPA-PET; BPA; boron concentration; microdistribution; compound biological effectiveness

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