個人積算線量計を用いた樹体における環境放射能の簡易測定手法の開発Development of an Easy and Simple Method to Measure the Environmental Radioactivity in Trees with Efficient Personal Dosimeters
1 量子科学技術研究開発機構高崎量子応用研究所Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology ◇ 370–1292 群馬県高崎市綿貫町1233 ◇ 1233 Watanuki, Takasaki-shi, Gunma Pref. 370–1292, Japan
2 電力中央研究所環境科学研究所Laboratory of Environmental Science, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) ◇ 270–1194 千葉県我孫子市我孫子1646 ◇ 1646 Abiko, Abiko-shi, Chiba Pref. 270–1194, Japan