Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 67(4): 191-194 (2018)

特集Special Issues

6.7 プラズマ対向機器(ダイバータ)6.7 Plasma Facing Component (Divertor)

国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構核融合エネルギー研究開発部門那珂核融合研究所プラズマ対向機器開発グループNational Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Sector of Fusion Energy Research and Development, Naka Fusion Institute, Plasma Facing Component Technology Group ◇ 311–0193 茨城県那珂市向山801–1 ◇ 801–1 Mukoyama, Naka-shi, Ibaraki Pref. 311–0193, Japan

発行日:2018年4月15日Published: April 15, 2018


Recently engineering researches on a plasma facing component under highest heat flux in a nuclear fusion reactor have been developed with R&Ds on ITER and JT-60SA divertor. Especially, this paper reports achieved significant milestones which are not only durability for heat loading of full-Tungsten divertor but also accuracy surface profile after assembly of the plasma facing components.

Key words: plasma facing component; divertor; high heat flux heating; ITER

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