Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 67(4): 165-168 (2018)

特集Special Issues

6.2 中性粒子ビーム加熱システム6.2 Neutral Beam System for Heating and Current Drive

国立研究開発法人量子科学技術研究開発機構核融合エネルギー研究開発部門那珂核融合研究所ITERプロジェクト部NB加熱工学研究グループNB Heating Technology Group, Department of ITER Project, Naka Fusion Institute, Fusion Energy Research and Development Directorate, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology ◇ 311–0193 茨城県那珂市向山801–1 ◇ 1–801 Mukoyama, Naka-shi, Ibaraki Pref. 311–0193, Japan

発行日:2018年4月15日Published: April 15, 2018

中性粒子ビーム発生源となる負イオン源では,加速器の絶縁破壊,及びビームによる電極への熱負荷が高いことが耐電圧・長パルスの観点で問題であったが,加速器で用いる大面積電極の耐電圧特性を明らかにして絶縁破壊を抑制し,高精度の負イオンビーム軌道制御法を考案して電極熱負荷を低減した結果,ITERで必要な1MeVビームの60秒間連続生成を実証した。イタリア(Consorzio RFX)に建設中のITER NB実機試験施設に向けた1MV直流高電圧電源機器開発では,機器開発を通じて機器製作を完了させ,2017年時は全体の9割の機器を据付け,2018年に電源統合試験を実施する計画で順調に進展している。

Recent progress to realize the neutral beam (NB) systems for ITER and JT-60SA is reported. In the negative ion source as the primary beam source of the NB system, a vacuum breakdown between acceleration grids and excess power loading on the acceleration grid due to beam particles have limited to demonstrate the MeV-class and long pulse beam accelerations. To solve these issues, a vacuum insulation with large acceleration grid were established and precise control technique of the beam particles have been developed. As the results, 1 MeV beams with the relevant current density of the ITER requirement has been successfully demonstrated for 60 s seconds stably. In the 1MV dc high voltage power supply components for the ITER NB test facility (NBTF) under construction in Italy, all components have been successfully completed based on the R&Ds. As the results, 90% of them have been installed in the NBTF site in 2017 and the integrated test of the power supply will be completed in 2018. Finally, the overview for the DEMO NBI based on these R&Ds is described.

Key words: neutral beam system; negative ion source; NBTF (Neutral Beam Test Facility); DC high voltage power supply

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