Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 66(8): 301-306 (2017)


日本に流通する梅加工食品の放射性セシウム濃度の調査Survey of Radioactive Caesium in Processed Foods of Japanese Apricot Marketed in Japan

埼玉県衛生研究所Saitama Prefectural Institute of Public Health ◇ 355–0133 埼玉県比企郡吉見町江和井410–1 ◇ 410–1 Ewai, Yoshimi-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama Pref. 355–0133, Japan

受付日:2017年2月15日Received: February 15, 2017
受理日:2017年4月6日Accepted: April 6, 2017
発行日:2017年8月15日Published: August 15, 2017

福島第一原発事故以降,食品の放射能汚染が懸念されていることから,γ線スペクトロメトリーを用いて,日本に流通する梅加工食品100検体(2015年から2016年に購入)の放射能調査(134Cs及び137Cs)を実施した。134Csは6検体から検出され(0.82~12 Bq/kg),137Csは40検体から検出された(0.65~69 Bq/kg)。最も放射能濃度が高かった検体は梅エキスであり,134Csと137Csの和は81 Bq/kgであった。この濃度は一般食品の規格基準値の5分の4程度であった。放射性セシウムが検出された梅加工食品を1年間摂取した場合の成人の預託実効線量は最大で約1.7 μSvであった。

Since Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, radioactive contamination in foods has been worried. Therefore, radioactivity concentrations of 134Cs and 137Cs in 100 processed foods of Japanese apricot marketed in Japan were measured by γ-ray spectrometry. Samples were bought from 2015 to 2016. 134Cs was detected in 6 samples, and the concentrations of 134Cs in them were in the range of 0.82 to 12 Bq/kg. 137Cs was detected in 40 samples, and the concentrations of 137Cs in them were in the range of 0.65 to 69 Bq/kg. The maximum total radioactivity of 134Cs and 137Cs in all samples was 81 Bq/kg, which was in an extract of Japanese apricot. The concentration in this sample was about four-fifths of the regulatory limit in common foods. The maximum total committed effective dose of 134Cs and 137Cs for adults by annually taking processed foods of Japanese apricot was estimated to be about 1.7 μSv.

Key words: survey of radioactivity; radioactive caesium; processed food of Japanese apricot; committed effective dose

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