Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 66(7): 259-269 (2017)


福島第一原子力発電所事故に係る食品中の放射性物質に関する現行の基準値の検証—海産物中の規制対象核種による線量への寄与割合に対する仮定の妥当性—Verification of the Assumption on Contribution Ratio to the Reference Level from Each Radionuclide in Seafood to Derive Criteria for Radionuclide Activity Concentrations for Food in the Existing Exposure Situation Regarding the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

1弘前大学大学院保健学研究科放射線技術科学領域Department of Radiation Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences

2弘前大学被ばく医療総合研究所放射線物理学部門Department of Radiation Physics, Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine, Hirosaki University

3国立保健医療科学院生活環境研究部Department of Environmental Health, National Institute of Public Health

受付日:2016年12月27日Received: December 27, 2016
受理日:2017年3月16日Accepted: March 16, 2017
発行日:2017年7月15日Published: July 15, 2017

現在の食品中の放射性物質に関する基準値は,134Cs, 137Cs, 90Sr, 106Ru, Pu, を規制対象とし,放射性セシウムに代表させ設定されている。土壌中の放射性核種の濃度比等を基に導出されているが,海産物については,セシウムとそれ以外からの線量が等量になると仮定している。今回,モニタリングデータを基に線量への寄与の検証を試みたところ,セシウム以外からの寄与は基準値策定時の仮定よりも小さかった。

The current limits for radioactive materials (sum of 134Cs and 137Cs) in food were set taking into account the radiation dose from 134Cs, 137Cs, 90Sr, 106Ru and Pu. Although the limits were based on the concentration ratio of radionuclides in soil etc., it was assumed that radiation doses from radioactive caesium (134Cs+137Cs) were equal to that from other radionuclides in regard to sea foods. In this study, we evaluate the contribution to the radiation dose from 134Cs+137Cs and others. The contribution of radionuclides other than radioactive caesium was less than that assumed when the limits were set.

Key words: limits for radioactive materials in food; radioactive caesium; radioactive strontium; seafood; monitoring data; contribution to radiation dose

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