Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 66(6): 217-226 (2017)


針陽極空気GM管の内部への試料挿入による各種理科実験Some Science Experiments using Air-Filled Needle-Anode GM Counter by Inserting Various Specimens Inside

1愛知工業大学Aichi Institute of Technology ◇ 470–0392 愛知県豊田市八草町八千草1247 ◇ 1247 Yachigusa, Yagusa-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi Pref. 470–0392, Japan

2名古屋大学Nagoya University ◇ 464–8603 愛知県名古屋市千種区不老町 ◇ Furou-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Pref. 464–8603, Japan

3中部原子力懇談会Chubu Atomic Power Conference ◇ 468–0008 愛知県名古屋市中区栄2–10–19 名古屋商工会議所6F ◇ 2–10–19 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Pref. 468–0008, Japan

4春日井市立松原中学校Kasugai Municipal Matsubara Junior High School ◇ 486–0803 愛知県春日井市西山町3–838 ◇ 3–838 Nishiyama-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi Pref. 486–0803, Japan

受付日:2016年5月30日Received: May 30, 2016
受理日:2017年2月10日Accepted: February 10, 2017
発行日:2017年6月15日Published: June 15, 2017


Handmade air-filled GM counter with a darling needle anode can be inserted various specimens inside. Some experiments with this counter can be performed such as alpha-particle absorption, photoelectron emission, and exo-electron emission. A new concept based upon oxidation of metal surface layers has been introduced to explain the decrease of the count-rate of photoelectrons with time. The experimental results revealed some examples of useful applications of such a type of air-filled GM counter even for science education in addition to nuclear science education.

Key words: air-filled; GM counter; needle anode; handmade; photoelectron; exo-electron; ultra-violet ray; metal oxidation; radiation education; science education

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