Online ISSN: 1884-4111 Print ISSN: 0033-8303
Radioisotopes 65(12): 517-522 (2016)

総説Review Article

タウイメージングに期待される認知症診療における役割Tau PET Imaging for Dementia in Clinical Practice

臨床研究クラスタ脳機能イメージング研究部Department of Functional Brain Imaging Research (DOFI), National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) ◇ 263–8555 千葉県千葉市稲毛区穴川4–9–1 ◇ 4–9–1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba Pref. 263–8555, Japan

2国立研究開発法人国立精神・神経医療研究センター放射線診療部Department of Radiology, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry ◇ 187–8551 東京都小平市小川東町4–1–1 ◇ 4–1–1 Ogawa-Higashi, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo 187–8551, Japan

発行日:2016年12月15日Published: December 15, 2016


The recent development of selective in vivo tau PET imaging ligands including [11C]PBB3, [18F]THK5351 and [18F]T807 (AV1451) has allowed exploration of the presence and extent of tau pathology in patients suspected of having tauopathies. In Alzheimer’s disease, [11C]PBB3-PET data were closely consistent with the spreading of tau pathology with disease progression described as Braak staging. In non-Alzheimer’s disease tauopathies, such as progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal syndrome, tau PET imaging has made it possible to detect the deposition of aggregated tau in specific lesions. Selective tau imaging might be useful as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker, and a surrogate marker for the evaluating of therapeutic efficacy and patient recruitment for trials of anti-tau disease modifying therapy.

Key words: PET; tau; dementia; tauopathy; Alzheimer’s disease; progressive supranuclear palsy; corticobasal syndrome; PBB3; THK; T807

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