ガンマ線スペクトル解析におけるピーク探査と面積計算実態と今後のスペクトル解析のあるべき姿Peak Search and Area Calculation in Current Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Discussion of Next Generation Gamma-ray Spectrometry
113–8941 東京都文京区本駒込2–28–452-28-45 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8941, Japan
113–8941 東京都文京区本駒込2–28–452-28-45 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8941, Japan
Expert Committee on next-generation gamma-ray spectrometry, Science and Engineering Committee, Japan Radioisotope Association was established September 2015 and now is working on several aspects of gamma-ray spectrometry. Main issues are to review current available gamma-ray spectroscopy software for high purity germanium detector. Our discussion covers wide range of specific aspects of gamma-ray spectroscopy e.g. peak search methods, area calculation and correction of cascade-sum effect. We also review new development about gamma-ray spectroscopy in worldwide. We also will conduct an experiment on the possibility of absolute measurement of sample activity measured by high purity germanium detector using only the nuclear decay chain data and a spectrum of the sample. Reference spectrum will be also collected and distributed to test comparability of current available gamma-ray spectroscopy software. In this article we present current status of our discussion and ask readers to make comments on them.
Key words: peak search; area calculation; gamma-ray spectrometry
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